Thursday, September 10, 2015

There's nothing good on TV anyway, come on over and scrap tonight!

Are you reading this on Thursday? Perfect. Come on over tonight and learn how to use ProjectLife by Stampin' Up! to create pages for your scrapbooks. Slide your pictures in, add cards and embellishments, journal and move on. Zip a dee do da day. You can see that it is up to the user, how much or how little, how simple or how fancy, how many or how few.
Your books can be all pocket pages or a mix of pockets and layouts. Because if you like doing layout pages, no one is ever going to stop you from doing them. Me either. I like it! But it is sure fun to zip through a bunch of pictures in pages like this, that get pictures into books, that preserve memories and that mix the two kinds of scrapbooking into one big book.

And my colors all go together perfectly because they are all made by Stampin' Up! My products coordinate perfectly, and I can trust that the quality is impeccable.

Join me tonight at 7:00 to make a pocket page and a traditional layout for just $15 including plastic page protectors. Bring a few photos, just 8 or 10 from one event or subject. If they are still in your phone we can plan which ones will go in the layout and you can print them tomorrow.

Sorry, I can't get this picture to turn and orient itself correctly, poor Eric will be sideways forever.

If  you can't tear yourself away to join us tonight, plan to be here next month, Thursday October 8 at 7, same plan, two pages for $15.  If Thursdays don't work for you but you want to scrap together, leave me a little comment and we can schedule something at your convenience.

Happy Stamping!
Dee Tollaksen

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