Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hello, Thank You for visiting, I Love You!

I am letting the cards do the talking today:
Hello!  Thank You for visiting my blog. I know I am a bad blogger, one who neglected her readers and took a gigantic break with no explanation and no excuse. I just  am sick and tired of fighting the internet for speed and access. I know how it should work and it refuses to comply so I walked away. Everyone has issues with it, not just my provider, so I can't even bash the people I send my money to, but I am so tired of slow internet speeds and resetting my devices and staring at my locked screen waiting for my curser to respond.

I Love You is the last card. So I am back. And I'm hoping my patience is restored. And that I can sneak in here when the trolls are napping and slip a cute card onto the web for your pleasure.

These are three I brought to Salt Lake City to swap at the Stampin' Up! convention last week. I thought they were pretty awesome. There are two more, I'll see if I remembered to take pictures. These are swiped from Facebook.

Barbara and I were the only ladies from our local group that attended. But we connected with our New York friend Mike. He travels alone, his local group doesn't know what a gem he is. He keeps us in stitches the whole trip.

Be sure to check out the weekly deals, pictured at the bottom of this post. Call me if you want to place an order for any of the bargains, I can combine orders to save on shipping! Or just go online and order away to have everything delivered right to your door.

Happy stamping!
Dee Tollaksen

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