Friday, August 21, 2009

Vellum peacock

Can you tell that the base for this card is vellum? Stampin' Up offers two weights of vellum, the cardstock weight is gorgeous, and we will be using it at the Easy Circle Cards class, coming soon! Still room for you, just leave a comment or send an email, let me know you are interested!

Looking for a job? Parttime or Fulltime? Just a couple bucks you can fritter away or big money to make the credit card debt disappear?

I can help you start your own Stampin' Up! business to answer your needs. For just $85 to start, you will receive tons of business supplies, stamp sets, paper, ink, friends, Stampin' Success magazine, inspiration and so much more! Plus, you can borrow any of my supplies, any time you need! The start up cost can go on your credit card, and by the time the bill arrives, you may have earned enough profit to pay it off! Let's talk. This deal ends at the end of the month, so let's talk SOON!!

My DD is settled in to her dorm in Texas. So now I am planning her first care package. Any suggestions?

Happy Stamping!
Dee Tollaksen


  1. In college, my favorite parts of the care packages were gift certificates for pizza (THE BEST IDEA EVER.... I MEAN IT.... EVER!), easy mac, candy, a little $$$$, phone cards (not necessary these days with everyone having a cell phone!), homemade cookies!, and magazines.

  2. OH, and quarters for the laundry machines.... those were good too!

  3. Laura is to funny. Easy Mac might be right up your DD alley since she is a wiz in the kitchen! Maybe you can send her the bag of cookie crumbs from under her bed? Love the card.

