Friday, April 17, 2009

Craft Show

When is the last time you went to a craft fair? And what did you buy? I mean, really?  I am so guilty of going to a fair and studying all the great products, then copying them back in my own craft lounge.

So my stomach is in butterflies as I prep for a craft fair today.  It is actually a vendor fair in an office, with  a bunch of other vendors in completely different businesses--cosmetics, kitchen ware, food, etc.  So I'm hoping to have "buying" customers!  I am really hoping, since I have 6 boxes of cards and stamped gift items!  

This little darling is showcasing the Blooming With Love stamp set. I have taken a notepad and trimmed it down to this "list" size, covered it with cardstock and DSP (designer series paper), tied it with a bit of grosgrain ribbon.  This is great for those ladies that like to keep a to-do list or a grocery list handy, but pretty.

There will be more crafty items to share soon. Stamp something pretty then get out in the sunshine and enjoy the spring!
Dee Tollaksen

1 comment:

  1. Dee,

    Hoope your fair went well - that is a very cute project - very "springy". I'd love to hear how you did -I've been discouraged with the things I've done at vendor fairs so far.

