Let's talk buzz. Bumble bees. If you haven't picked up on it yet, bees are all the rage, hip, cool. The bomb. They are "in." And come on, let's just agree, they're stinkin' cute!
This fella comes from the Dragonfly Dreams bundle and has all kinds of possibilities -- there is a detailed stamp that gives you a gorgeous set of wings and a body that looks fuzzy and a set of perfect antennae; then there is a second stamp that will add blobby color perfectly over the detailed image, so you can stamp stamp and never have to use a pencil or paint brush to add color. And if that isn't enough to make you happy, there is also a framelit to layer over either or both of those!
Then -- if you don't love this bee-- my friend, there are at least two more bees in the catalog right now and another one in the DSP, so celebrate the season of the bee and get them while the gettin's good!
By the way, the Dragonfly Dreams bundle is gorgeous! I will be sharing a bunch of samples as we go on. (When the sun comes out and I can take photos) I was at a demonstrator event Saturday and there was one bundle as the grand prize and ladies were jumping through hoops to win it! And these are folks who can buy it with a substantial discount! So we really love it after seeing the samples--and you will too!
Come on over and take a class, I have some great samples to share and fun techniques to teach. Look at the class list, at right, or pick a date and host a friend or two and book your own private event!
Place your Sale-a-Bration order now to earn free product -- click here to shop now!
Happy Stampin
Dee Tollaksen
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