Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

Please remember why we have a 3-day weekend and  keep the Armed Forces in your prayers. Every man and woman protecting our country is an asset we cannot afford to waste or forget.

My heart bursts with pride when I tell you that my son proudly serves our country as a US Marine. He is deployed to Afghanistan and works to keep communication accessible and reliable. Alright, he is a computer tech, but believe me, if those Skype sessions cease to perform perfectly, heads will roll!!!

I miss him terribly and pray for the safety of all our military. And I hope you do as well. So, enjoy your family and friends as you BBQ and relax. And when you encounter a Veteran or an active duty military member, show your gratitude and bless him with a sincere word and a prayer for continued safety.

(If you notice that his uniform is incomplete, please don't flame me. He was in the process of dressing and I jumped in with the camera and grabbed a shot. I know his belt is missing and his medals, but look at that handsome smile and give me a pass.)

Happy Stamping!
Dee Tollaksen


  1. He, and all our soldiers, are in our prayers! My husband and son are both veterans so these men are close to our hearts. Joyce D.

  2. Dee...the Woman's Club here in three rivers collect books and send overseas to service men and women. If you would him included, please send address. Bobbie
