Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Round we go

Can you see the detail of piercing going on above the panel of flowers? Lots of card makers have been adding circular elements, and I wondered how they made the circle so perfect. Recently I stumbled on the answer. . . are you interested? So easy, but I think I'll let you guess. Any making a good guess is eligible for their very own tool to accomplish this task.

Leave a comment here or send an email, and I'll enter you in this "blog candy" contest.

Happy stamping!
Dee Tollaksen


  1. well is it bigger than a bread box? HAHAHA! I am so funny. I would say the paper piercer thingy that comes in the three with the cutter and the crusher or creaser or whatever it is called.


  2. Math geek here thought of using a protractor - but that wouldn't offer much flexibility on size.
    Whatever you used, I like the result.
