Tuesday, May 26, 2009

DCBD sketch challenge 129

When the world grants us a favor, such as having Monday off from our regularly scheduled work week, it seems we have to pay back the favor in unexpected ways!  I will be working on Wednesday, which only happens twice a year, so I'm sneaking my DCBD post up a little early. For all of you cruising the blogs on Wednesday, think of me providing customer service at my lonely office.

I've taken some freedoms with this sketch, turning the card on it's side, and using a clear cellophane bag for the scallop circle element.  It is time to use all the Designer Series Paper (DSP) that I have been ordering! This card highlights the Game Night stamp set and coordinating Jackpot DSP. Very
 simple to put together, once I had all the elements assembled and the sketch at hand.  Hope you are inspired to create a card or scrapbook page, and post it to SplitCoast or your blog, then link it using the Mr Linky tool located on the DCBD blog.  Please take a little tour of all the DCBD divas and enjoy their interpretations of this sketch.
Dee Tollaksen


  1. Cute card! I love your take on this. Very creative!

  2. Really cute idea! I've been looking for something to do with this set.. wow!

  3. Nice job!! Your creativity really shines!
