Saturday, December 13, 2008

Simple Givinig

Giving beautiful and useful gifts is probably the most common goal for this time of year -- something the giver can afford and is pleased to be able to give, and something the receiver is happy to have. Pictured here is a darling little plate, a bit of nice chocolate and some personalization! All for next to nothing out of your budget!  The plates were purchased as a group, very affordable, simple white plates. The candy by the bag at any local big box store. Then a couple Stampin' Up! products: one roll of ribbon, one pack of rub-ons, some designer series paper and one pack of cellophane bags = eight or more hostess gifts (or teacher gifts or grab bag gifts or goody bag gifts for guests). Versatile, inexpensive and lovely. What more could you ask for? 
There's still time to make it happen, just give me a call--
Dee Tollaksen

1 comment:

  1. Oh...this is a great gift! I made some Oreo Fudge...would be a wonderful way to decorate it for a gift!
