Wednesday, November 26, 2008

DCBD 103 Where's the stamping???

Good morning!! Happy day before Thanksgiving! Just where does the time go? Who turned the clock to "super sonic?" Well, it seems that it is Wednesday already, so here is this week's DCBD challenge. I got to piecing and beading and die-cutting on the BigShot, added some flowers and ribbon and beads and sat back to look at the card, and realized there was no stamping!! Hmmm. Maybe a little sentiment should be on the Baja Breeze strip? I'll have to find just the right little square-ish stamp. Later. Right now I have to go bake a pie and some sweet potatoes and encourage the bird to thaw. If you take a rest today, give the challenge a try and leave me a comment so I can find your version of this layout! Be sure to check all the other inspiration cards, each designer is listed at the right on my blog, under the Design Diva's logo.
If you haven't already, visit my website to see the awesome sale Stampin' Up! is offering for this most famous shopping weekend -- great prices on some nice product bundles.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and remember to actually take time to give thanks!

Dee Tollaksen


  1. Oh Dee! What an awesome job you did on this! I love the little pocket.. What's inside?? :) Little presents are the best!

  2. Very cool card. I love the little envolope on your card too. Is it big enough for a gift card? I would have never thought of this idea. Great job!!

  3. NO stamping?! That's amazing! I had to click the picture to enlarge. I just could not figure out what the white flowers were at first- I was thinking tiny cottonballs?! Glad I enlarged it- very pretty!

  4. Love the card with no stamping.

    Vivian Swain

  5. I love your card. Great job using all those accents from the Pretties Kit. I can't seem to make myself use them.
