Sunday, November 2, 2008

Christine Hardee

Everyone attending the Shoebox Swap was asked to prepare a card with a Christmas Theme. I was pleasantly surprised at the very wide variety of cards, many of which stretched my idea of "Christmas." I loved this one, which says "Welcome Christmas into your Heart" then uses a heart as the art. Well done Christine!
My mom had an angiogram this Friday. And of course spent the week prior worrying incessantly. Her results surprised everyone: no blockages at all! So no surgical intervention. Very good news indeed. But leaves her worrying about why she failed her stress test and why she is having an irregular heartbeat. So this heart card goes out to her, with prayers for good results on the follow-up tests that will check the electrical system of her heart.
Love you Mom,
Dee Tollaksen

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear that everything turned out ok with your mom.

