Tuesday, August 26, 2008

He's making a list, and checking it twice. . .

You know you're in the stores, buying school supplies. Even if you don't have a student headed back to class. Well, while you're there, pick up a pack of those mini legal pads, have the gal at the printing place cut them for you, right down the middle. Then when you get home you can dress them up and make pretty list pads from them! This idea was posted a few weeks ago, maybe on Patty B's blog. I am a hopeless list maker. I say hopeless because I am constantly making lists, usually losing them or leaving them at home when I am out running errands. So this will fit nicely in my new Vera Bradley bag (go ahead girls, laugh here) and maybe I won't forget so many errands!
It was really easy and now I have enough for 23 more. Guess what we'll be making as a Make n Take at the Tent Event this Saturday?

For the Vera Bradley fans reading along, I got a lot of grief from my Convention friends, who kept talking about all the "Lillian Vernon" purses that were appearing at Convention, including mine. While I love Lillian, she doesn't make a purse like Vera does!
Dee Tollaksen


  1. You mean that wasn't a purse from Lillian Vernon? Uhhh! BTW, great list idea. Are you sure you didn't get the idea from...you know who I'm talking about! LOL

  2. What are you talking about Lillian Vernon? You know you lover her and you good friend Josie!
    Step away from the Vera...

  3. These are adorable! What a fun M&T! TFS
