Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday

So, what do you want for your birthday? Send me an idea of what to ask for and I'll give you a gift! Yes, today is my big day and I am blessed to have everything I need. And more! Send me and idea for a great gift for a stamping fanatic, suburban wife/mother/daughter/friend and I'll send you a great gift for a stamping friend. Deadline is midnight tonight. Email me or leave a comment here.
Happy Birthday to all of you, Dee Tollaksen


  1. Happy Birthday to You
    Happy Birthday to You
    Happy Birthday Dear Dee
    Happy Birthday to You

    The perfect gift for me would be Scor-Pal.


  2. Happy, Happy (Belated) Birthday, Dee! I'm celebrating my 30th birthday in one week. As a stay-at-home pregnant mom of 2 and one on the way...I think every woman (working, SAHM, mother, friend, daughter) deserves to be pampered on their birthday. So I think the perfect gift would be a gift certificate to a spa for a pedicure or massage. I don't need a stamping gift, but if you could call my husband a drop a hint for me... wink! Hope you had a fabulous birthday!
